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 The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius

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Cidolfus Demen Kirishiki
Cidolfus Demen Kirishiki

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 958
Age : 33
Village : Konoha
Job/hobbies : SHINOBI
Bloodline : Kamagan
Registration date : 2010-07-02

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: // Unknown //
Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: // Fūton // Suiton //

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty3/24/2014, 3:19 pm

Today Village hidden in the Leaves had its skies hidden by a thick and rather dark cloud that released a downpour upon its streets, forcing its citizens into finding a shelter in order to evade getting wet. The black haired youngster of the Kirishiki Clan was no different, annoyed by the downpour he would find himself entering a small ramen shop that provided him with just enough cover. The expression that formed upon his face was that of annoyance as he was supposed to be meeting someone today and this rain was in the way. Cidolfus did not expect this dark cloud to appear quite so suddenly as just a hour ago the weather was still sunny. But, in that one hour this cloud appeared out of nowhere and covered the village in a matter of moments. It was not bound to last that long, but it still startled quite a few people and ruined plans that folks of the village made for today. The black haired Kirishiki only wished that the man who he was going to meet today decided to come and not let this silly rain to stop him. This ramen shop actually served as a great meeting place, he could get a coup of ramen to warm himself up while waiting for the other individual. On top of that, he could also do some upgrades on his little tantō.

Anyways, after he had entered the ramen shop, Cidolfus would simply sit on the nearest chair and make his order. "One coup of miso ramen." His gaze would be laid upon the village streets which at that moment were still under a downpour, trying to spot his meeting partner which should be arriving quite soon. How soon? Well, he wasn't sure about that, but hopefully it would be within ten minutes or so as he was not the patient type. Not to mention his new Chuunin vest got somewhat wet as he was caught by the rain. The dark red shirt underneath it was still rather dry, a little bit wet around the edges. Since he went into hiding right after the rain started, his dark blue ninja pants and his sandals were still dry. But, his tantō and the six chakrams attached to his belt had several water droplets still on it. Overall, Cidolfus got out of the rain just in time before he was caught by the true power of the downpour that followed. "I really wonder if that man will make it. The weather outside seems to be worsening, even though the cloud should be leaving our skies quite soon. I was really looking forwards to meeting this man. Too bad my meeting might just get ruined by a silly dark cloud that appeared out of nowhere." With those words said the black haired Kirishiki youngster would turn his head around and look into the bowl of ramen that had just appeared in front of him. It was time to dine.
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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 468
Village : Konoha
Bloodline : Byakugan
Registration date : 2014-01-21

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty3/26/2014, 7:13 pm

The dark clouds over the village appeared rather suddenly. And immediately Izanagi could tell that it was about to start raining, even before the downpour came. This is why, the man was currently walking down the street with a black parasol to shield himself from the rain. While most of his body remained dry, his feet didn't suffer the same fate. The splash marks from the water droplets proving themselves to be a nuisance. Even so, Izanagi still made the time to arrive at the meeting place. An old ramen shop, and although the Jounin wasn't exactly sure why he'd agree to it. The man decided to venture out nonetheless, and would put it down to sheer curiosity. There he was strolling down the streets of the village. Meanwhile, many a people sought to fled from the rain, many hopping from one shop to another. While not literally hopping, but simply moving swiftly between each establishment. With the sun shining, consumers would take their time browsing. But when it rains, there was a certain degree of urgency in their actions. In any case, the Jounin was doing his utmost best to bury his many personalities. The many moods of Izanagi as they are known can prove to be unpredictable. As such, the Jounin was at least seeking to maintain some semblance of normality. Walking down the street, Izanagi could see the establishment in the distance. This distance being no more than fifteen meters away, and closing by the second. The Kamikaze clansman would approach from the left hand side of the shop. This meant that, whosoever was inside the ramen shop, could only see him once he was inside the establishment. Or if they were to look outside and to the left of the shop.

The Jounin was hoping that the meeting wouldn't last a long time, since he simply had things that he needed to do. Izanagi's mind worked a certain way, he was all about preparation. And for the best too, that was the way in which he learned to survive. Alas, the Jounin arrived at his destination, closing the parasol, leaning the parasol in a corner next to the door. The Jounin was garbed in full black clothing, with a Samuraiesque armor adorning his body. The Happuri head gear was also worn, very much like the avatar of the writer depicts. In a nutshell, Izanagi's dress sense was unlike what most Shinobi would associate the modern Shinobi with. He was more closely related to an era long pass in terms of dress sense that is. In any case, Izanagi soon laid eyes on the man that he was suppose to be meeting with. The ramen shop was a small establishment. A row of stools by the counter area in which the customers sat on. The ramen was always prepared for all to see and served over the counter. Izanagi sat down beside the man, with one seat or stool separating them. Meaning, their was an empty seat in between them. A certain hand gesture informed the owner that Izanagi was here for the usual. And so it was being prepared as they sat there. "Such a fine wet day, wouldn't ya agree?".

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Cidolfus Demen Kirishiki
Cidolfus Demen Kirishiki

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 958
Age : 33
Village : Konoha
Job/hobbies : SHINOBI
Bloodline : Kamagan
Registration date : 2010-07-02

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: // Unknown //
Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: // Fūton // Suiton //

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty3/27/2014, 5:52 pm

The sound of footsteps appearing behind the black haired youngster out of a sudden signified the entrance of someone and the fact that they were rather silent was proof of said individual being a shinobi. However, even though he was aware of the fact, the youngster decided not to turn around and he awaited for the other person to approach him. If this man really was the person who he was supposed to meet, he would say something. Cidolfus did not want to disturb someone else who was not aware of the meeting that was about to be held. Luckily, the other male really was the person who he was supposed to meet. The black haired Kirishiki realized that once he turned to his left and saw the face of the person sitting next to him. "I would say so myself as well," he would reply. That was an odd way to start the meeting, but Cidolfus didn't really mind it and in fact he preferred talking to people casually over formally. He was lucky that the person who he was meeting was a rather casual person, even though his clothing was sorta old-fashioned. Armor and clothing like that he only saw in books about the famous shinobi of the old era and never did he thought that he would actually meet someone wearing such a suit of armor. However, this suit was quite appealing to the young Kirishiki. In fact, after this meeting he decided to actually craft something like that. It looked too cool.

Either way, after replying the other male just as casually, the young Kirishiki boy decided to mention why was it that he had called him to this establishment. However, before he did so, he decided to confirm the identity of this person. "I presume you are Izanagi-san?" At that moment he would stop and await for an answer from the older male. If this person confirmed that he really was Izanagi, Cidolfus would continue by saying: "My name is Cidolfus Demen Kirishiki and I am a member of the Kirishiki Clan. I'm not sure if you know this, but we have a unique talent that allows us to craft weapons out of everything we see around us. For us it is a honor to craft weapons for great Shinobi and I figured that I could craft my first unique weapon for you. I heard a lot about you Izanagi-san. The man assigned to be my sensei is also a seemingly great shinobi, but I feel as if he is not as great as you. Not to mention, based on his combat potential, even I will soon surpass him." At that moment the black haired male would once more take a pause. Since he was explaining a lot of things to the other male, taking such pauses to give his companion a chance to say something was the best thing to do. He could explain whatever the other male did not understand and answer any questions. However, after said pause he also added: "If you wish, I could even demonstrate my powers right here."
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Hideaki S.
Hideaki S.

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 93
Village : Iwagakure
Job/hobbies : Jenga
Bloodline : Hideaki
Registration date : 2010-06-20

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty3/30/2014, 10:39 am

Finally! Shira walked into the small ramen shop, it was almost nostalgic. He entered patting off a few droplets of water from the sudden rain. Luckily he had found a straw hat that he marked with his clan's blue mark. He liked the thing, the dark brown conical hat sold by a near by merchant made him feel like a Samurai of some sorts. He took the marked hat off, as he walked over to the counter. The place had a few people in it, an array of Genin, a Chuunin and another man that caught his attention. The man wore old samurai gear like Shira himself, with the addition of a Happuri. He squinted at the man, surely this man was also of an older era like himself. His taste in all black armor was something quite amazing. For now he wanted some Ramen.

"Ah, Extra Large Miso Ramen, Pork extra slices please."
The order was given at the counter. While Shira waited he began to plot out his next event. He would need to leave again, in search of another Katana. Hmm, Saphira. "Two Please." Shira looked at the man in the gear, it resembled his save for the color variant. This man must have been in the Allied war. When he was still a Jounin, the person if only he could.. AH! It was that Jounin!

"Three Please!"
Shira enthusiastically walked up to the Jounin and the Chuunin. He would have said something but the Chuunin had mentioned something. He was a weapons crafter. If he was a weapons crafter and a good one like he claimed Shira had no reason to travel all the way to the land of Iron. The Ramen was delivered. One had been intended for himself, another Saphira and the last the Jounin. However the 3 at the table led to think that Shira was purchasing for the 3.

"Ah! ah! Izanagi-san! " about a 1 meter away, in a triangular position between the 3, Shira pointed from the Chuunin to the Jounin. He wanted to speak to both of them but he had to decide who to speak to first. The Jounin was a year older than him, he had been introduced to the crazy older boy after the war. The Jounin was bit of a reserved kind, but shared the same interest in terms of weapons, attire and women. It had been this crazy one that showed Shira the different fish in the different seas, a bad addiction that Shira indulged in. The 3 Ramen was handed to the 3 that were there.

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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 468
Village : Konoha
Bloodline : Byakugan
Registration date : 2014-01-21

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty3/30/2014, 5:32 pm

"Izanagi-San eh?". The Jounin's words trailed off for a moment, not exactly liking the way the man addressed him. But Izanagi wouldn't dwell on it at all, the Jounin would instead blame the man's sensei instead. "I am he indeed, Kamikaze Izanagi". The Jounin followed up with his reply, before glancing over at the man. Meanwhile using his peripherals to keep tabs on the chef serving the special ramen. The white haired man unknowingly manifested a devilish grin on his face. His suppressed personas desperately trying to manifest themselves. But Izanagi was fighting, for should he allow them to resurface right now. Then this meeting can be both enlightening and awkward for the Kirishiki clansman. Izanagi was unpredictable, but through no fault of his own. This man was mentally ill, and needed eyes on him at all times. Over the years however, Izanagi seemed to have developed a working system. One that allows him to remain in full control of himself. Izanagi's eyes narrowed while the younger man began explaining things to the Jounin. Based on what the man was saying, he possesses a special Kekkei Genkai, one that allows him to accomplish great things.

"Hehe, such flattery, but I'm not sure I'm even worthy of it. Although, I be a lil curious about what things yer may have heard about me. That, and I wanna know who yer sensei might be too. He intrigues me". Izanagi's right hand suddenly shifted, pinning his own left hand to the counter. It was his way of controlling his own impulses, his dark desires which laid beneath. This freak may end up self harming, but after a deep breath and an exasperated sigh, Izanagi would relax. Separating his hands, meaning, his right hand no longer held on to his left. The chef needed to hurry up, since Izanagi was growing somewhat cranky without even noticing it. There was an offer of a demonstration, but before Izanagi would accept, there was one thing that he needed to address. And that was the strange bastard whom entered the establishment. Ramen were being ordered left right and center. But throughout all that, Izanagi could not help but ponder on the fact that this man knew his name. Not only that, but they were dressed in a similar attire. Izanagi's crimson eyes glanced over at the man's straw hat, and the symbol on it told the Jounin this man was a foreigner.

Izanagi began rocking back and forth in his seat. Managing to balance the stool that he sat on. But if anyone noticed what the Jounin was doing, they would say he belongs in a psychiatric ward. "This day just keeps gettin' better and better..or is it going from bad to worse? I do not know. But about both of ya tell me what buisness ya have with me? I'm a rather superstitious man, and I don't especially like coincidences". The Jounin announced as he sat there, carefully monitoring both men.
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Cidolfus Demen Kirishiki
Cidolfus Demen Kirishiki

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 958
Age : 33
Village : Konoha
Job/hobbies : SHINOBI
Bloodline : Kamagan
Registration date : 2010-07-02

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: // Unknown //
Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: // Fūton // Suiton //

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty4/1/2014, 2:47 pm

"My sensei? Um, his name is Tenshi or something. I don't quite remember as I only met him like once and he did not leave a good impression on me." Just as he uttered those words, a newcomer had arrived to the establishment and it was a person that the young black haired Kirishiki did not know. However, like with the man next to him, he did notice the cool looking armor that was covering this person. Everyone around him had a cool looking armor and only he was without one. This sorta made Cidolfus a bit envious of the two older males as he really wanted to look as cool as they did. With a somewhat sad expression on his face he thought: I should probably craft a cool looking armor soon enough. Armors are quite useful and with my abilities I could even give mine some sort of an ability. At the time when those thoughts crossed the mind of the young Kirishiki, the newcomer would utter something and based on the reaction coming from the Jounin, this person was someone who he knew. Apparently, the appearance of this person brought quite the suspicion even on him. The black haired Kirishiki was somewhat dazzled by the words coming from Izanagi-san and so he simply decided to do his demonstration right away. A picture was worth a thousand words or something like that was what he was thinking at that moment.

Using his right hand the black haired youngster would grab the hilt of his sword and then he would take the sword off his back, placing it on the table right in front of him. He was still not done with his miso ramen and so he would simply push it away a little bit so that the tanto could fit the table. It was a rather small weapon so it did not take that much room. While doing so he would simply say: "Observe." Regardless of what the two older men would do, the lack haired Kirishiki would simply continue as planed. Upon placing the weapon on the table, the eyes of Cidolfus would change and the Kamagan would finally appear in both of them. This was sort of a mandatory requirement if he wanted to use the crafting and upgrading techniques of his clan so there was no way for him to evade showing his Dojutsu in front of these two. Now that they were active, he would simply perform a set of two hand seals as he imagined the ability that he desired to give to this weapon. For now, he chose something simple as this was but a mere demonstration. Since there were only two hand seals involved, it did not take Cidolfus that long to perform them. Once he did, he would place his hands over the sword and the weapon would start to glow.

The process that occurred in front of the black haired Chuunin did not last that long. Indeed, it was over in a couple of seconds. "There we go," Cidolfus would say and he would point the weapon's hilt towards the two men. On the side of the handle an eye would open and look at the two men, giving them a scary glare. Then eye would then close and open on the opposite side of the hilt and then it would keep on randomly popping all over the handle. It was a weird and yet quite simple ability. However, the boy noticed something that these two did not and it was troubling him quite a lot. Damn, I can't smell anything. It seems that the sacrifice here was my sense of smell. The rumors about this technique were true after all, I guess it really is too good to be without drawbacks.
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Hideaki S.
Hideaki S.

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 93
Village : Iwagakure
Job/hobbies : Jenga
Bloodline : Hideaki
Registration date : 2010-06-20

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty4/1/2014, 3:17 pm

Strange way of showing you have an ability haha.

Shira just stood there the Jounin's attention was on the boy in front of them and it appeared that Izanagi did not remember who he was. It was heart breaking but Shira's Ramen was here. He picked the bowl up with his left and the chopsticks with his right. The conversation that went between the two of them was none of his business. He stood there, eating a mouthful of the noodles and meat provided. By the Sage of Six Paths was it amazing. He sipped on the broth, this was surely heaven. Why couldn't Iwagakure have a decent Ramen shop? Noooo but they had a really nice cookie shop. Everyone seemed to be crazy for them. With his mouth full of noodles he drank more of the soup, it was amazing. The Chuunin and Jounin carried on talking. Shira was not interested in the talk about someone's sensei and such. What did catch his attention was the sudden change in topic, both were called to behold a miracle of sorts.

He pushed his bowl of noodle away, grabbing onto the Tanto behind him. Shira took another chopstick full of Noodles, a wayward spring onion sticking to his left cheek. What happened next would be quiet the entertainment, the eyes of the boy changed color and his pupils took the shape of what looked kinda like a sickle of sorts. It came as a surprise to Shira, he was only aware of the few Dojutsu that inhabited this village. There was the Famous Sharingan and Byakugan which represented the village. There was also the less known Genjutsu clan that resembled the Rinnegan but never had Shira known of this strange eye pattern. Shira chewed and swallowed, finishing the ramen by drinking the remaining broth. That was good he thought to himself, his eyes were now attentive to what the boy was doing.

What the Chuunin did came as a mystery to the Kage of Iwa, almost a strange freak of nature. The Tanto he had produced glowed once before returning to its original state. What was that supposed to do. Shira had not waited long before the change became visible, the tanto's handle produced an ugly eye that gave them all death stares. Clearly discontent towards its creator the creation went about looking around everywhere. Shira looked in amazement as freaky as it was it was something interesting he leaned in slightly looking back the single eye. "Ah!! how did you do that??" Shira looked at the strange creation, fighting back this urge to poke the Ronin eye.

"What else can you do??" Shira was interested at what the boy could do. He was still unaware of what the boy had done, he had not followed the conversation and didn't quite follow the situation. To Shira, Cidolfus had done something fun and did not know the many possibilities his bloodline brought him. Shira still looked at the strange eye tanto, it was a freak of nature but it was still cool. Shira wiped the food off his face with the sleeve of his Hoari now looking at the Chuunin.
"Ah, that was really something. Please do it again."

Shira's immaturity surfaced albeit only the telescope. He would raise his hand to the Shopkeeper asking for whatever food they wanted. Soon Fried Chicken Sticks, Various meat dishes, Fried Rice, Dumplings, warmed Sake and Sweet Rice drinks were brought out for the three to indulge how they pleased. No funny business was at play with the food. Shira was not the type nor would the shopkeeper poison the village Shinobi. Shira paid the man upfront, handing him wads of ryo. The man had no sense of money the village gave him ample amounts of allowance apart from his pay to finance his stupidities.

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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 468
Village : Konoha
Bloodline : Byakugan
Registration date : 2014-01-21

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty4/3/2014, 7:07 am

Izanagi was rather perplexed by what he'd heard on this day from Cid boy. The man lacked any real respect for his sensei. It was either that or Cid had really high standards, and Izanagi could only hope to live up to them. Meanwhile though, two men of the unknown, soon to be known unknown stood or sat in his presence. In some ways, the Jounin was a little bewildered by it all, and at the same time he began plotting. If Cid boy proved to be useful, then he may well have a place for him. For now though, the Kamikaze clansman was awaiting the big revelation. Besides, it wasn't everyday that Izanagi agreed to meet others without having met and spoke to them at length before. The crimson haired fiend soon perked as a result of Cid boy's movements. The unsheathing of his sword that was carried on his back was a clear sign of intent. The Tanto weapon was placed on the counter, but not before creating some space to it. It would appear the Ramen was still of great importance to the man. With each action taking place, Izanagi heeded the words of "word" that was uttered by Cid boy. A command prompt which indicated they needed to pay a great deal of attention now.

Izanagi wasn't one to let such an opportunity pass him by. He could learn a lot more about Cid, and that would allow the man to conclude his thoughts about the Kirishiki boy. But even now, Izanagi was making sure to keep a close watch on the newcomer on the scene too. There was a revelation after all, and with it, Izanagi was learning. The Kamikaze clansman eyes remained their crimson shade for majority of the time. But the Kirishiki showed he does indeed possess a Doujutsu. A think that Izanagi figured was linked to his clansman ability, but wasn't yet sure how. Which is why he would observed for now as per Cid boy's request. The Konoha Jounin took note of the hand seals being formed and Cid placing his hands over the Tanto that he'd place on the counter area earlier. And so came the magic in the form of a glow, lets just say a light green glow for now. After a few seconds, the magic trick was performed, and whaddya know, the hilt of the weapon now had a suspicious looking eye on it. That didn't stay in one place, but kept popping up all over the place. Izanagi grinned a little, now thinking of the possibilities involved with all this. But during all this, the Jounin kept a close eye on Cid boy, looking for those odd changes.

In the midst of all this, the stranger was the one asking all the questions. And it so turned out to be the kind of questions that Izanagi would have asked too. The shopkeeper had also observed the miracle performed by the Kirishiki by. A smile of amazement and a glint in his eyes showed his appreciation for the Ninja arts. Izanagi's food was finally served, and the man began indulging himself in Ramen for a little while. He also fell silent during the time the stranger was talking to Cid boy. But he was still fully aware of what was going on around him.

"That ability is quite amazing if I do say so myself. But what are its limits? That eye created...I wonder if ye be able to see through those eyes. Do they share the same vision? How freaky".

"Freaks have no right calling others freaks, Izanagi-Sama. Hehe, he's fun though". The voice of a young girl rung out in Izanagi's head, a voice that was very much like the Yachiru to Kenpachi. The Jounin shook his head, now wondering if he will be able to suppress the others now. How could he have been so careless as to let her slip by him? Izanagi would continue to eat his Ramen, even indulging in the fact that the stranger was quite hospitable. The Jounin paused for a moment and glanced over at the newcomer. "You, person buying us all this food. Who might yer be? I sometimes have trouble remember people from the past. But I'm sure if ye reminded me, it could come flooding back".   The Jounin asked, while dreading another interruption via the voices in his head.

"Hehe, um..I think him to be a secret admirer. Yuuka chan gone be upset when she hears about this. I'm gonna tell her". Izanagi froze up for a moment, his eyes blinking, now growing his rage, but not through any fault of the Chuunin Cid or the friendly stranger. "Ya aint gonna tell her shit!" And so the crazy Jounin went and alerted everyone to his unstable mental state. His voice suddenly rose, as if scolding someone, but there wasn't anyone there. Apart from the stranger, Cid and the shopkeeper. Along with two other fodder clients of the shopkeeper. And to be frank, he wasn't speaking to anyone there, and they would realize that too. So who was this mad Jounin referring to? It was quite clear that Izanagi needed some fresh air now. He needed to separate himself from the people around him. Or at least not stay too close to them. The weather outside was also getting a little better. The downpour of rain turning into mere drizzle. Soon to stop and allow others to get on with their day.
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Cidolfus Demen Kirishiki
Cidolfus Demen Kirishiki

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 958
Age : 33
Village : Konoha
Job/hobbies : SHINOBI
Bloodline : Kamagan
Registration date : 2010-07-02

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: // Unknown //
Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: // Fūton // Suiton //

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty4/4/2014, 6:38 pm

[So lazy.]

"Oh, well, I used my super awesome rainbow and unicorn magic and stuff happened." Cidolfus did not like the fact that this person who he did not even know actually decided to but in the meeting with Izanagi-san and ask such things. Due to that he used a little bit of sarcasm to reply to his questions. It was quite obvious that he did not posses any form of rainbow and unicorn magic, that was just silly. Either way, right after he would say that, the black haired male would wait to see his reaction and then he would utter: "Like I am going to tell you how my abilities function. I don't know you." At that moment he would come to a stop and the Jounin would ask this man of his identity. It was a good question and Cidolfus really did want to know who this strange man was as he did claim that he knew the Jounin.
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Hideaki S.
Hideaki S.

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 93
Village : Iwagakure
Job/hobbies : Jenga
Bloodline : Hideaki
Registration date : 2010-06-20

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty4/5/2014, 2:50 pm

It was rather saddening that the Jounin did not remember him. It did happen though, Shira himself had a bad memory of people that did not leave much of an impression. He searched his memory for when the villages were allied in a war against a minor nation. They had collectively forced the small village to split their forces to two fronts. Both were at interest as the small village was on the border of the two countries. Shira, would come with a reply but was stopped with a huge outbreak.

"Ya aint gonna tell her shit!"

Shira was confused, the man was prone to sudden mood swings but never had he shown traits of Tourette. Shira waited for the insanity of the man to disappear, the silence invading them all. After a while everything returned to normal with the chuunin displaying sarcasm. Shira might have been a socially odd one but he did understand some form of sarcasm. It was rather mean of him but he did have a point. No one seemed to know who he was.

"He's buying you food. Who does that these days! haha!" The shopkeeper interrupted putting down more food. The space on the table was running out. "Free food is like love. Besides this guy has been here before, though many years ago. He's from that rock place. He was here with the Hokage-sama and some other High ranking Shinobi."

Shira looked at the shopkeeper. Who the fuck was this guy? Like it was mentioned before Shira had trouble re-calling those who did not leave much of an impression. He remembered the place for the Ramen but he did remember the event the Shopkeeper referred to. This was infact the place he andthe former Tsuchikage along with other Jounin had eaten. The Hokage had entered to speak with the Kage along with her guards.

"Ah, I was here few years ago, in the Kono-Iwa alliance. We shut down a small village. That's the place with the kid with the third eye? " Shira recalled what the two had seen and done together. "The Three Kunai to his eyes? Ah! I'm the kid the the Hokage tried to cut his hair." Surely Izanagi had to remember it, after the war, Shira had been sent to Konoha to settle the spoils of war with the Hokage. The Hokage had introduced Shira to Izanagi then attempted to cut his hair as it made him look like untidy bee. If Izanagi did not remember him then that was sad. The hours of the two spying on Konoha women and their bath tubs was a waste.

Shira would wait a while but would soon turn to the Chuunin his mind becoming clear, his goal set. He opened up his left palm charging a small ball of white lightning in his hands. "Please Forge me a Katana suited for me and my lightning. I will reward you with gold... and food." Shira had lots of it, he was the Kage, a detail that Izanagi would not know unless he followed the news of other villages. If Cidolfus forged the weapon of his choice then Cidolfus would be a friend of Iwa.

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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 468
Village : Konoha
Bloodline : Byakugan
Registration date : 2014-01-21

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty4/6/2014, 12:17 pm

This was definitely one of those days, when a great deal of random things decided to happen. Izanagi found himself in the company of a few strange men. Even the Shopkeeper was getting involved in all this, which wasn't such a bad thing. However, after asking the last set of questions, prior to Cid Boy's or the Iwa Nin's answer. Izanagi fell silent again, now awaiting the moment when he would get answer. Many a things were being said, and quite a few statements were being made at this point in time. But Izanagi was listening for something specific and to his liking. More food was served, and after an explanation, Izanagi finally remembered just who the Iwagakure Nin was back then. Looking at the man now, the Jounin had an hunch that the Shinobi had also grown in stature somewhat. Whether that be through rank or power, maybe both in a way. The little lightning spark was also a reminder, and the request was most amusing. Izanagi in the mean time though dipped into his garments. Thus removing a small scroll, which also had an instrument for writing within it. The scroll was a blank one, containing no secrets and or information. This was the first time something would be written upon it. The Jounin then began inscribing upon the scroll almost as swiftly as he'd revealed it. Izanagi began noting down his intentions pertaining to Cid Boy's Kekkei Genkai. The Jounin was precise in his instructions, and in some ways it was a challenge to the Chuunin too. It took the Jounin a few moments, but even while seemingly occupied, he remained vigilant at all times. And so it was, the Jounin's weapon design and intended abilities were noted. The Jounin then wasted no time folding up the green scroll and passing it on to Cid boy. The man followed up by  dismounting from the stool that he sat upon. There he was standing, his mad crimson gaze setting upon the Chuunin and the Iwa nin. In no time the Kamikaze clansman would begin taking his leave. But before finally leaving, Izanagi glanced over his shoulders and eyed Cid boy. "Inscribed on that scroll is my challenge to ya. Try not to disappoint us, besides, a lot of riding on this one. Now then, I shall see ya later, Cid Boy, Shopkeer san and Iwa man. Buh-bye". The crazy bastard then left the establishment, taking his parasol, even though the rain had now subsided. The sun hidden behind the clouds was shining once again and oh what a joyful day. Izanagi now had a few more things to do and he would get to it no doubt.

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Cidolfus Demen Kirishiki
Cidolfus Demen Kirishiki

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 958
Age : 33
Village : Konoha
Job/hobbies : SHINOBI
Bloodline : Kamagan
Registration date : 2010-07-02

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: // Unknown //
Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: // Fūton // Suiton //

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty4/8/2014, 1:44 pm

With his ears high on alert the black haired youngster of the Kirishiki clan would listen to the words spoken while at the same time using his eyes to observe the expressions formed on the faces of the two other men, gaining a complete view on the situation. Although he did not get the meme of the Iwagakure person, he still did not know who this man was. Izanagi-san knew this man, so it was probably fine for him to converse with said person. However, it seemed that this man from Iwagakure no Sato had other plans. Cidolfus had gained an opportunity to finally observe someone with a power as unique as his. The lightning that formed was quite fascinating and the black haired male realized right away that this was not normal Lightning Release. True, he was not quite sure about it, but that fact did not make his interest into this man any smaller. Regardless of wetter this was some sort of a new element or just a more advanced usage of the Lightning Element, Cidolfus decided to take this mans request. Crafting something for this man will be quite a test of my skills. Although I came here determined to make something for Izanagi-san, the way things turned out is certainly in my favor. Though, I should be careful with using this technique, the setbacks are quite a nuisance.

However, while the black haired male was caught in his thoughts, the Jounin would take out a scroll and inscribe something upon it. Cidolfus did not see what it was since at the moment he did not know it was meant for him. Once Izanagi wrote down everything that he needed to write he would hand down the scroll to him, while at the same time adding a couple of words that were quite encouraging. With each of the men making their requests, the black haired male of the Kirishiki clan realized that from now on he was going to be quite a busy person. So, before the older Jounin left, he would simply add: "I shall take both of your requests. Once the weapons are complete, I will find you and hand them to you." After saying those words he too would get up and prepare to leave. But, before he would exit through the doors, he would add something else to the other male. "You don't have to wait in Konoha for your sword, I will bring it to you in Iwagakure." With that done he would leave.

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Hideaki S.
Hideaki S.

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 93
Village : Iwagakure
Job/hobbies : Jenga
Bloodline : Hideaki
Registration date : 2010-06-20

The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty
PostSubject: Re: The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius   The meeting of a great man and a talented boy genius Empty4/8/2014, 4:21 pm

All fell in place. It was time to return, his journey would end quicker then it had been planned. His quest for a new Katana would be complete, the Shinobi known as Cidolfus would deliver the new forge steel to the doorsteps of Iwagakure.

The man was well fed, his heart set back on the barren wasteland of rock. He would return with personal success. The Jounin had remembered him, a delight, future adventures would take place but for now, he picked up the hand, marked with the element of his clan.

"Until next time, KuroKajiya No konohagakure." The black smith of Konoha. A play of words, a Title rewarded to the Cidolufus boy.

exit >>

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