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 ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic]

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Isaac Uzumaki
Isaac Uzumaki

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 118
Age : 31
Village : None
Job/hobbies : .....
Bloodline : Hiden Clan: Uzumaki Clan
Registration date : 2007-10-06

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: Character Profile
Alliegance: Akatsuki
Elemental Mastery: Doton [Earth Release]

~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty
PostSubject: ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic]   ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty2/21/2014, 11:42 pm

~A Few Moments Before The Start of The Topic~

Puff puff pass was the name of the game, but the A-Ranked Criminal from Konohagakure didn’t have anyone to share his lovely bit of cannabis with at the moment. The Akatsuki meeting was scheduled for only a hour away. He was making his way to the Meeting spot, which was a lovely place almost like a clearing in the middle of The Famous Land of Forest trees! The Famous Criminal had easily did the handsigns to suppress his chakra from any Sensor within the area. Isaac quickly ashed his bowl, packed everything up, and opened up his bag. He quickly put on shoes and socks again, which were black and a pair of black combat boots. Isaac René was doing everything he needed to do to bring out his full Reflejo disguise. The next thing was a black cloak and a dark brown real dreaded hair wig. He placed the cloak around his shoulders, and fitted the wig perfectly on his head. The next step was the metal mask from his pack. After he had donned that last piece of clothing; he quickly unsuppressed his chakra to seal all the extra stuff in the Generic Sealing Fūinjutsu that is tattooed on his stomach on the left side right above his muscle V. He pulled back down his shirt and fixed the cloak before walking his way the last hour to the meeting spot.

~Present Time~

The small clearing the vast mass that was the Land of Forest’s forest. The ankle high grass was a clear indication that this place had been taken care of. The time that had elapsed was a full year, which is how long he gave the former Akatsuki members to think about them staying with the current leadership change to Isaac. The masked Isaac walked into the clearing with absolutely none of his skin showing. He would be undetected as well. This was all a part of his famous alias creation. He could and would walk around freely as The Great Acquaintance of Isaac René Uzumaki; Reflejo Voltaire. Even if the members that returned to this spot and got in close to Isaac; he would still be undetected. The legendary two colors of the Isaac would be completely unseeable from behind his mask. The Shinobi wouldn’t even be able to tell his eye color or colors. This was the next step for the disguise to work.

The perfectly stoned Akatsuki Leader looked around and up at the sky. It had been the time they said they were going to meet. “Maybe, I need to give them an introduction.” Isaac thought. He cleared his throat to give evidence that he was going to speak, and he shouted out. “Excuse me! If there are any Criminal around loyal to Lord Isaac. They need to come out. I am Reflejo Voltaire. You might’ve heard of me. I am here to speak for Lord Isaac.” Isaac had put a little twist on his voice, which was a simple British sounding accent. It would sound almost foreign to the Criminals present, but it was different from Isaac’s normal Irish sounding accent by a small degree. The Disguised Man slid his hands into his pockets as he kept scanning the tree line for Shinobi that were loyal to his cause. Only the Gods knew what was about to happen.

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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 57
Village : Akatsuki
Bloodline : None
Registration date : 2009-04-10

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: Lightning Surge; False Darkness; Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder; Earth Release: Earth Spear; Earth Release: Earth Style Wall; Earth Release: Earth Dragon; Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet; Earth Release: Earth Flow Wave; Earth Release: Rock Clone; Hein - Flying Swallow
Alliegance: Akatsuki
Elemental Mastery: Doton, Raiton

~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic]   ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty2/22/2014, 12:15 am

The words from Voltaire echoed throughout the empty field. The birds flew out from the trees, for fear of whatever would come from this man's action.

A few moments had passed and a rustling from the trees could be heard. The shadow of a large silhouette of a man could be seen making its way through the tree line toward Voltaire. If Voltaire could sense chakra, he'd be able to feel the power coming from this being. The man took heavy steps, each step cracking branches or crushing grass as he began to clear the tree line. As the man broke the tree line the sun shine hit him harshly.

He was a large man, about six feet tall. His face was scarred, harsh, and weather beaten. His hair was jet black and pulled into a long and thin samurai-like pony tail. His right eye was closed shut and covered by a long, vertical scar, evidence of one of his many battles. On the bridge of his nose rested a pair of black sunglasses, and the expression of his face was rather cold. The man wore a red coat that was ordained with gold accents. His left arm was hanging in the coat as if it were in a sling. The man wore black combat pants and black boots. In his right hand was a huge six foot blade that he carried casually over his shoulder. The blade he carried was a metal gray with mirror-like edge that reflected the harsh sun.

The man scanned over Voltaire. As he did this another pair of footsteps could be heard.
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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 36
Village : Akatsuki
Bloodline : N/A
Registration date : 2014-02-17

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: Water Release: Water Heavens Convergence; Water Release: Powerful Blasting Rain Trench; Vacuum Sphere; Wind Cutter; Body Flicker; Rasengan; Shadow Clone Technique;Water Release: Large Projectile; Wind Release: Great Breakthrough;Flight Technique;Flying Nail Mist Soaring;Water Release: Gunshot
Alliegance: Akatsuki
Elemental Mastery: Suiton, Fuuton

~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic]   ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty2/22/2014, 1:14 am

Following close behind the larger gentleman that had led the path through the forest was a slightly shorter and smaller man in terms of body mass.This man had dark green hair which was kept cut so that it would lay just above his yellow eyes.His face void of any marks or scars and just about anything that could be noted as unpleasant, not counting his expression. The man wore a green tank top with three yellow slashes placed horizontally on the lower right section of it. His pants were khaki and matched the combat boots that he wore and strapped to his right hip was a sheathed combat knife that was exactly a foot and a half in length. The man appeared to be deeply troubled even though this day was supposed to be one of excitement and happiness. For this was the day that was chosen as the renewal meeting for the organization known as the Akatsuki, a group that this man had placed his hopes and dreams in since he learned of its existence.

Stepping out of the forest crossing the tree line into a small clearing of land, a voice bearing a British accent could be heard. It was the voice of a man and he seemed to be calling upon the those who had ties of loyalty to a man named Issac. To the green haired man Isaac was a person who had helped him once in the past to come to his senses and make the right life decision. But this man speaking was not Isaac, it was instead one of his trusted advisers who went by the name of Reflejo Voltaire. Even so, now was the time for him to speak on behalf of he and his partner. Coming to a halt no more than five meters away from this man, the green hair man finally spoke. "Hello, my name is Zaine Konosuke. I hail from Takigakure but no longer choose to associate myself with them." Zaine having introduced himself formally extended his right arm out in front of him with his palm facing upward and then moved it to the right until it was six inches in front of the chest of his partner he then began to speak once more. "And this is my partner Raleth. He also hails from Takigakure and is also no longer affiliated with the village." Zaine would lower his arm back to his side before speaking again to this man. "We are both here for the reason that we were summoned to this location on year ago by Lord Isaac. We are in allegiance with him and we are reporting to re-assume our positions in the Akatsuki."

Zaine was weary of this situation for Isaac was not present and from what Zaine could sense out, Isaac was no where near this location. What was going on here? Zaine wondered and what was Voltaire going to explain to them about the Akatsuki and possibly the whereabouts of Isaac. Zaine took in a deep breath and exhaled a second after as he rested his right forearm on the bottom hilt of his combat knife and awaited a response from Voltaire
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Isaac Uzumaki
Isaac Uzumaki

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 118
Age : 31
Village : None
Job/hobbies : .....
Bloodline : Hiden Clan: Uzumaki Clan
Registration date : 2007-10-06

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: Character Profile
Alliegance: Akatsuki
Elemental Mastery: Doton [Earth Release]

~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic]   ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty2/22/2014, 1:32 am

The two men entered the meeting point, which made Isaac grin. He knew that they would show up as well as one who couldn’t make it. They obviously had questions for him, like what their purpose was and everything like that. Isaac would reveal some of his new plans for the Akatsuki before disappearing off to go to Land of Lakes to make his first appearance in a Minor nation in a long time. Isaac pulled his hands out of his pockets as he looked at the man before him. The shorter one introduced him and his partner, which meant that he had exactly one partner team left. Isaac and his second persona Reflejo were partners, which made it so easy to pass off the illusion that Reflejo was an actual human being instead of just Isaac in disguise.  “It is nice to see you mates are still alive.” The British accent didn’t falter as he spoke to the men. “Lord Isaac sends his deep apologies. He is off to the Land of Lakes to begin talks with Minor Nations about using us for off-books missions and assignments. He has tasked you two to venture to the more minor lands, like Land of Sky.” Isaac paused as he watched the expression of the two men. If they gave any signs of emotion or tells; he would find them.

Isaac René Uzumaki would finally go on to give these two men their tasks. “On top of that; you may travel together or separate, but the more remote minor nations shouldn’t have a problem with Criminals wandering around. Do not use the cloaks as of now. Isaac wants to keep that out of the bingo books for now.” Isaac paused again before giving the two their actual main focus. “You two are going to scout out a place to host our Headquarters. The Land will need to be peaceful to us and we will need to be able to hide a massive fortress. Also, if you come across any Shinobi. Scout em. We will need to start building recruitment folders.” Isaac smirked behind his mask before letting the men voice their opinions. This would be one of the first tests for the men. He wanted to see what they were willing to do and how they would do it. If they were good for the organization; Isaac would find out.
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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 57
Village : Akatsuki
Bloodline : None
Registration date : 2009-04-10

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: Lightning Surge; False Darkness; Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder; Earth Release: Earth Spear; Earth Release: Earth Style Wall; Earth Release: Earth Dragon; Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet; Earth Release: Earth Flow Wave; Earth Release: Rock Clone; Hein - Flying Swallow
Alliegance: Akatsuki
Elemental Mastery: Doton, Raiton

~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic]   ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty2/22/2014, 1:51 am

Raleth closed his eye, taking in the information that Voltaire gave them. The assignments given were trivial, no real challenge. But it would allow for Raleth and Zaine to travel without constantly being berated by Anbu. As Volatire mentioned Issac Raleth opened his eyes to look at the messenger.

As Voltaire finished Raleth responded, his voice deep and rough; "If I may ask, esteemed messenger, how will Lord Issac achieve his goals? One year ago he spoke to us with dreams of peace between nations. At the time it was a beautiful dream, but never once did he expand upon it. Now you, surely, must know the plans Lord Issac has. So i ask you, how will Lord Issac achieve this dream? Zaine and I will be his blades, striking down whatever he wishes. But first we need direction. So please, enlighten us on this matter."
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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 36
Village : Akatsuki
Bloodline : N/A
Registration date : 2014-02-17

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: Water Release: Water Heavens Convergence; Water Release: Powerful Blasting Rain Trench; Vacuum Sphere; Wind Cutter; Body Flicker; Rasengan; Shadow Clone Technique;Water Release: Large Projectile; Wind Release: Great Breakthrough;Flight Technique;Flying Nail Mist Soaring;Water Release: Gunshot
Alliegance: Akatsuki
Elemental Mastery: Suiton, Fuuton

~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic]   ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty2/22/2014, 2:07 am

Zaine listened intently as Voltaire voiced the message from Isaac on what their intended mission was. He was surprised but also relieved to say the least. He was sure that he and his partner would be sent off on some hazardous mission where they would be expected to come back in multiple pieces. this train of thought was no doubt sue to the events of his past with Takigakure. However all things aside Zaine was ready to meet this mission and with raleths help scout for the best possible locations for their headquarters as well as seek out minor villages in need of mercenary services.

Zaine looked slightly to the left as he heard raleth speak out asking if Isaac still remained true to the goals he once voiced to the two of them a year ago; he felt as though now was a perfect time to throw in the only question he had before Voltaire could reply. Turning his head back to the left so that he would once again meet the gaze of Voltaire Zaine would add "And if you don't mind me asking. When is the next time we will be able to see Isaac. there are matters that must be discussed directly with him by the two of us."
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Isaac Uzumaki
Isaac Uzumaki

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 118
Age : 31
Village : None
Job/hobbies : .....
Bloodline : Hiden Clan: Uzumaki Clan
Registration date : 2007-10-06

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: Character Profile
Alliegance: Akatsuki
Elemental Mastery: Doton [Earth Release]

~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic]   ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty2/25/2014, 3:41 pm

[Short.. Sue me.. If we are done here, just leave next post. I will be making my exit as well.]

“Well, these guys are straight shooters.” Isaac thought as he grinned a bit behind his metal mask. He moved forward in a fluid and soundless motion. He had no idea what these men had to talk to him about, but he would obviously find out. The overall goal. Isaac didn’t remember that speech about the peace of all nation, most likely because he was absolutely baked while he was doing it, but peace between nations wasn’t exactly what he had in mind. “I guess, I need to enlighten them a bit.” Isaac thought as he felt his stomach turn as he began to get hungry. The marijuana had finally reached the munchies stage. “The overall goal of Lord Isaac’s new organization is very simple. We are not here for peace. We are here to be free and make money doing it. Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted. We will be mercenaries for hire until he states otherwise.” Isaac’s toned went from a more casual tone like before to a more serious sounding in a split-second. He wanted to make himself very clear here. They were to be mercenaries. They were not common criminals. They had an agenda that would make them legendary, like the Legendary Blades of The Seven Swordsmen Shinobi of The Mist. “If you wish to meet with Lord Isaac; he will be in touch with you. He has various projects in Amegakure no Sato to handle. You can go there to report your findings directly to him, okay?” Voltaire’s tone and pitched stayed in that more serious tone until he finished replying to Zaine. If they didn’t have anything else to say; Isaac would leave to venture towards Amegakure no Sato in the Land of Lakes.

=====> Exit

Last edited by Isaac René Uzumaki on 2/26/2014, 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 57
Village : Akatsuki
Bloodline : None
Registration date : 2009-04-10

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: Lightning Surge; False Darkness; Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder; Earth Release: Earth Spear; Earth Release: Earth Style Wall; Earth Release: Earth Dragon; Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet; Earth Release: Earth Flow Wave; Earth Release: Rock Clone; Hein - Flying Swallow
Alliegance: Akatsuki
Elemental Mastery: Doton, Raiton

~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic]   ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty2/25/2014, 6:26 pm

Raleth listened to Voltaire's words, his explanation of Issac's goal was simple. It seemed to Raleth that either Issac had not told Voltaire the entirety of Issac's goal, or that Volatire was under instructions not to reveal it yet. Raleth nodded, understanding that for now they would be hired blades.

Raleth was no stranger to mercenary work. After the disbandment of the Akatsuki, Raleth and Zaine both worked as mercs. There loyalty was only to the coin, and Raleth was glad to get back at it. He began to walk, motioning for Zaine to follow. As they both left, Raleth said his goodbyes to Voltaire.

"We will embark on the scouting mission that Issac has requested of us. We will meet him in Amegakure with our findings. May you sword be sharp, and your wits sharper Voltaire.."

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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 36
Village : Akatsuki
Bloodline : N/A
Registration date : 2014-02-17

Ninja Profile
Jutsus: Water Release: Water Heavens Convergence; Water Release: Powerful Blasting Rain Trench; Vacuum Sphere; Wind Cutter; Body Flicker; Rasengan; Shadow Clone Technique;Water Release: Large Projectile; Wind Release: Great Breakthrough;Flight Technique;Flying Nail Mist Soaring;Water Release: Gunshot
Alliegance: Akatsuki
Elemental Mastery: Suiton, Fuuton

~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic]   ~The Reunion of Criminals~ [Akatsuki Meeting Topic] Empty2/26/2014, 6:55 pm

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