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 A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer]

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Kotetsu Shiranui
Kotetsu Shiranui

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2014-02-15

A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer] Empty
PostSubject: A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer]   A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer] Empty2/17/2014, 8:33 pm

An average morning in Amegakure this was as the rain would begin to start amongst the village. Tiger-Rooster-Dragon-Snake-Boar were the seals formed to make this colossal amount of rain hail down from the heavens...filthy pricks needed to be happy that he did this or maybe because it was one of his jobs in the village, either way he did not like having to wake up to do this every morning. Loud footsteps could be heard going down the stairs of the basement as he slid on the patched up lab coat and even weirder the random bandages that encompassed his body.

The thumps became louder and louder until a light flickered on and the purple eyes of the mad doctor himself had been seen by his unfortunate patient," Well hello there fellow delinquent and how are your accommodations in this fine dungeon of a basement? Well i hear you have been fairly bad...two murders and even a third in progress until you were caught. Tsk,Tsk,Tsk now what were you thinking killing the fine yet dumb people of this village? No wonder you were given to me. Now the procedure we are going to undergo will be very painful and even more so deadly as you have a 0.5% chance of living," the wide grin of the Jounin would show as he flashed a light into the condemned man's eyes, the trembling in them exciting him more and more.

It would be several hours later and he was still cutting into the now dead man's stomach, his liver, kidney's, lower intestine and other various organs as he continued to make small cuts into the body itself. Although this was a regular citizen someone thought a worse punishment would be going to him and well..having this done to him. After another thirty minutes of cutting small ribbons of flesh from this one person, he would set his tools down and smile," Another job well done, and i even have good organs to give to the hospital later on when i feel like it," shutting the fridge door he would walk up the stairs and slowly turn the lights off one by one until he was upstairs in his living room. It would seem like it was time for him to go on his daily rounds about the village, which he called it "exercise time" and it was one of the better things for him to do at the current moment.

The shower water would be the next thing he heard as he washed the paint of crimson off his body slowly, the water at the base of the shower soon turned a dark red until he was finally clean and ready to do...well his ninja duty. Today like most days he would dry off quickly as his hair went to his normal spiky set, but something felt like it was missing. Shrugging it off he would slowly get dressed as he threw on his boxers, and then his black pants moving over slowly to grab his black shirt and black and purple jacket. Before he had forgotten he would put on his socks and black boots and opened his window smelling the beautiful rain he had made," ahh smell that wonderful rain, beautiful aint it? Whoever thought a crazed and deranged doctor could do it eh," snickering to himself he jumped out of the window and landed slowly before smiling and putting on his hood he would soon obscure his face from view as he walked around slowly. Many wondered where his head band had rested and the question was simple...around his neck. For now he would make his rounds through the living areas since he had lived a little closer to the lakes of Ame.
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Spec. Jounin
Spec. Jounin

Gender : Female
Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2014-02-15

A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer]   A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer] Empty2/17/2014, 9:22 pm

" One, two kick! One, two kick! Keep the pace, keep the pattern, do not falter! " Lucifer's voice boomed loudly and with much authority as she looked on at her younger siblings. The two purple haired twins with eyes of determination followed out the orders the elder Hyuuga called to them in perfect union. Lucifer smiled at the two because she knew they were already living up to the high expectations that were put on them, just as she had done at their age. The trio had been outside training for a total of four hours before the morning rain began to fall, the signal of end of training for the twins. Lucifer put on a kind gaze as the rain hit her clothes and skin before whipping out an umbrella and following the two small kids back inside. She knew who the caused Amegakure's rainfall and it brought a smile on her face. " Seems like that weakling is up late again... Now to find him and punish him for it."

Inside the rather modest home she quickly ran to her room and changed from her training clothing to something a bit more casual. Most of her clothing gave her moving room though the downside was that if not hand made it would be tight around her too ample breast. Without much thought she Lucifer picked out a black shirt with the arms cut off, a pair of black pants with light yet sturdy material, and a pair of black shoes. Quickly dressing herself she wasted little time and tied her hair in a neat tight bun and placing her headband around her hip before setting off to leave. She was almost out of the door before she was stopped by the twins with their overly interested stares. Cocking her eyebrow up she looked at them and smiled.

" Is there something you two need? "

The twins smiled deviously and assumed the hyuuga's gentle fist fighting stance. Lucifer didn't have to think twice before she knew they wanted to test the training she had been putting them through. Chuckling she assumed the stance herself, though in all honestly she didn't need too. She might as well entertain the two before heading out for the day, give them something to think about and work on while she was gone. Putting her hand out towards them she invited them to take the first hit. Coming at her together the twins showed fancy footwork and impressive teamwork as they attacked as one. Lucifer shook her head as she grabbed both of their hands before they could touch her and with the quickness twisted their hands behind them and push them away from each other into the wall on either side of her. " Sorry kids, Sis has to go out for a bit. Train some more while I'm gone yea! " Heading out the door before the two can recover she made a mad dash into the rain and out into the village.

It wasn't long before she passed his house, she knew Kotetsu had made the rain and she would be dammed if he got far from her.
" The fool...Probably making rounds. I should be catching up to him soon..." She hadn't stopped running and thought about activating her Byakugan to tell him apart from the crowd of people that walked the village. Though she didn't act on the thought she felt she should before she found herself bumping into a hooded figure. Her breast as stupidly large as they had grown hit the body first and at the speed she was running she wouldn't be surprised if the person fell over.
" Oh! I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention.." It was true her mind was elsewhere even though she was clearly looking ahead of her. Sighing she stopped as the rain hit her, she didn't wear a hood or have an umbrella which made her clothes stick to her but that didn't bother her one bit. Hoping the person she hit was ok she waited for a response.

Last edited by Grimm on 2/19/2014, 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Kotetsu Shiranui
Kotetsu Shiranui

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2014-02-15

A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer]   A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer] Empty2/17/2014, 10:18 pm

The rain continued to fall deeply as he continued to walk round and round the village, his deep seated purple eyes leered through the hood for a moment as he sat on a ten meter statue that sat somewhere between the living quarters and the residential district where the people of the village worked and did whatever else they did. He sat there with his right hand slowly resting on his right knee, watching some of the citizens walk around and chatter and only some had saw him sitting and question why he was up there until one of them noticed not only how he wore his head band but could faintly see his eyes and simply said," Don't question the antic's of Ame's Doctor," and of course the people shrugged and continued walking.

After a while of sitting up there and getting a good view of the village he would jump off and continue to walk around," Sector one checks out further disturbances in the flow of chakra here," pulling the hood lower upon his face he would begin to walk off. The rain merely drizzled beside him as he smiled and kept his pace slow as he made sure that everything was in order less...he would have to chop some people down to size. For now he would simply maintain to himself as he stopped for a moment as something caught his eye and he eagerly went to reach for it. It was sitting in a lowly alley way and it had here for at least a couple of days. A small little black Kotetsu hated animals regardless of what it was and its size, BUT in this one instance he felt a fatherly instinct came over him as he took the kitten and sat it inside of his zipped up hoody," You are going to become my little evil assistant and...if you do something stupid i am going to kill you," grinning he would begin to walk off and return to his rounds.

The kitten sat softly against his chest as he walked off and through Sector Two of the living quarters, and all was good for a moment. The cats soft mewls made Kotetsu look down in disapproval although he was fighting his urges to kill it down right. Finally he would be getting to his destination as he continued to walk and happened like a flash of lightning. Something had bumped into him and sent him moving forward, with quick instincts he had used his chakra to anchor himself to the ground as he slid.

When he had stopped he would turn around and growled as he looked at this person for a moment," Watch where the fuck you are going eh? Don't think just because you are a woman that doesn't mean i won't beat your ass and haul you off to the Amekage," the hood slowly fell off as his purple eyes caught sight of the woman in front of him. A second would befall him as he began to chuckle slightly before busting out into a loud and deranged laughter before he pointed to her," You!!! Oh god this is just too good, how long has it been since i have seen that face...Four. Four years since i have seen that face and the rain that is falling on the village we have been reunited, how are you my beautiful Grimm," he grinned softly as he looked into her eyes and moved closer as if his body would glide in front of her. If she would start to speak he would be in her face and lick her cheek before moving back," my my you have filled out those curves well, although four years ago you were as flat as that wall over there and now you are just bountiful," he pushed his right hand through his snow white hair as the rain had soaked it. Here he was face to face with the love he had not seen in forever and it had lit his black little deranged heart on fire.
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Spec. Jounin
Spec. Jounin

Gender : Female
Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2014-02-15

A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer]   A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer] Empty2/21/2014, 2:31 pm

The fact that the force of the bump didn't send the cloaked figure flying forward, surprised and relieved Lucifer for a second. Sighing as if a heavy load was being lifted from her she noticed the blue aura around the feet of the cloaked figure. Tilting her head slightly she now understood why the person was not on his face right now. She didn't know why but at that moment she felt her heart race and her palms sweat. " What if I bumped into one of my superiors? Or it could just be one of my peers....I hope for the latter, I would hate to upset the higher-ups, they can be quite a handful to calm down." This thinking that Lucifer currently found herself in pulled her from the tense feeling that had plagued her. The worst that could happen was she would be yelled at or told off, nothing she couldn't handle....Or so she would delusion herself into thinking.

Lucifer honestly didn't need to see the person's face after the outburst of words that flew from his mouth. She stood there and folded her arms waiting to meet his eyes, while her her own took on a sinister look of disgust. Very little seemed to have changed with the man in front of her as she watched his hood fall off. Though her outward emotions told that she didn't like it, inside a different story told something else. His laughter made her cringe on the outside, but her stomach flutter within. So here he was in the flesh and here she thought he would be much harder to find, but as fate would have it she bumped right into him like a bee to the sweetest honey. " I've been well you creti-" And it was only a matter of time before he was too close to her, licking her face, and successful shutting her up as a sharp shudder was sent down her spine and her face turned a bright pink.

Strike two hit Lucifer hard as she struggled with not hitting Kotetsu dead in his chest leaving a hole that would no doubt kill him. Her patience was amazing at this point as she smiled at him and his shenanigans.Though the more he spoke the bigger the fire inside her grew and that flame that was once there was now a raging fire. " Kotetsu you..I... "She was so happy to see him but she couldn't just willingly show that. Her body became restless as she prevented herself from knocking him to the ground. Though they were the same size she was half his weight she could still always have him under her. " You are always late with the rain you useless piece of shit. Can't you do one simple job right!" Before she knew it she felt tears running down her cheeks, mixed with the rain one probably couldn't tell and once she flung her arms around Kotetsu's neck he probably wouldn't notice either.

Pressing her body against his she didn't notice the small creature that would poke it's head up from Kotetsu's cloak and ultimately hit her breast. Backing up from Kotetsu she looked at the small kitten and a smile came to her face. " I was unaware you liked animals Kotestu, you little perv! " A light chuckle escaped her lips as walked closer and pet the kitten a bit before Looking back at Kotetsu. " I see you are getting softer than this kitten's fur, guess I shouldn't ask for a spar, wouldn't be very nice to beat on a higher-up who is lacking in any real skill." Cutting her eyes up at Kotetsu she frowned, an obvious sign of a challenge being issued. It had been far too long since she had laid hands on him and she practiced everyday so that when he returned she would be ready. She wouldn't let him be on top this time around.
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Kotetsu Shiranui
Kotetsu Shiranui

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2014-02-15

A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer]   A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer] Empty2/21/2014, 11:59 pm

A small smirk played upon the jounin's face for a moment as he continued to look at Grimm as her melodic voice escaped her perfect lips, it was almost ironic that she had a tsundere like personality around him and it was even more erotic that this time she looked like she was going to beat him...oh the shivers that would bring to him as they continued to talk. At first he thought she was going to say the most heartfelt of things to him that would ignite the world around them and do some romantic shit like in the movies, yet all she gave him was slanderish words and comments about him not doing his job or whatever.

That same smile would stay on his face as he looked to her," After so long that is the only thing you can complain on is my work ethic? Here i thought i would get a long romantic kiss in the rain with you telling me how much you missed me and wanted me to go no where else....but this is just good enough for me," his smile would turn into a grin as her body pressed against his, as her arms wrapped around his neck his arms would in turn wrap around her waists with no sounds coming from him. For a brief moment the silence would be perfect as her large breasts would press against him and miss the kitten he would chuckle for a moment.

Once again the comments would just keep in flowing from her as he scratched his head and shrugged," My dear the only reason i have this thing is because i want an assistant and if it cannot live up to the expectations i am going to set it, its going to die and become a corpse that i will use to further my work. If it does pass then it will become a future asset to me and soon i will let my plans go into work," Smiling he would look at her, the obvious challenge was apparent as he rested his hands into his pockets and walked past her," Oh dear you flatter me so much, if you wanted to beat me then you should follow me back to my home. Of course if you dont' want this ending up like the last time with you on the bottom then...hehehe feel free to stay here in the rain," waving her off as he walked back to his home he would look back and see if she would follow.

If she did he would continue to walk to his home, getting there within thirty minutes and kicking the door open with a smile," Wait here and we will have our little spar." The kitten would be taken out of his jacket and sitting it on the couch he would stare at it," Stay or you will die," the only result he had gotten was the cat laying down and nothing more. Grinning rather softly he would remove his shirt and jacket before walking back outside to see Grimm outside, his three tomoe sharingan activating as he looked at her," Well then my dear shall we setting our little match from the chuunin exams, or do you want to cuddle," chuckling he would wait for her to make her decision before taking his own preparations, although while they were in his rain he would know her little movements by the hint of her chakra.
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A Meeting in the Rain [Lucifer]
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