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 Life's Trade [Mission]

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Shikyo Kirishiki
Shikyo Kirishiki

Gender : Female
Number of posts : 35
Village : Konohagakure no Sato
Job/hobbies : Genin
Bloodline : Kirishiki
Registration date : 2014-03-29

Ninja Profile
Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: Fuuton

Life's Trade [Mission] Empty
PostSubject: Life's Trade [Mission]   Life's Trade [Mission] Empty4/9/2014, 8:23 am

So bury fear
For fate draws near

It wasn't that hot, but it was still a relatively warm day. Why? Because spring was coming, quick on the heels of a relatively tame winter. Here, in Konoha, the seasons seemed to melt into each other, with only a few minor weather changes. But there was that feeling in the air. The cycle ended, and people began a new one, as time flowed like a river. The girl was packing boxes, sealing them up as she let out a heavy sigh. Indeed, she was helping her clan with something, as it happened for her to do at times. Their business was quite flourishing, as they were a black smithing clan. It did help that their business wasn't only in Konoha, but it was majorly there.

In fact, she had finish packing up the munition boxes for the delivery. The girl knew that they would come for the delivery and would assist them on their mission, because she knew exactly where these places were, having gone on several deliveries herself. Hopefully the genins showing up for the mission wouldn't be the type of people she hated, her fingers finely wrapping up the tape. And with a tap, the boxes were well set on the transport vehicle. Luckily for them, said boxes were not huge like they've had to use in the past. After all, those boxes weren't even capable of being carried. She had been really careful and methodical in sealing the boxes, so that no accident could happen during the mission.

Another breath left the silver haired girl, her thoughts slowly focusing. It was almost time to begin, as the mission assignment had begun. This was typically one of the first ones picked, as it was a simple, easy mission and most could rest or train the rest of the day. Her attention was pulled away from any further thoughts as she heard the shop door open, her body stepping away from the two trolleys. As she began turning to face the young genins as they would walk in, her voice would flow out simply. ''Greetings, you are here for the delivery?'' she would speak, having bowed as any shop owner would have. Only when she would look up, she would have a rather pleasant kind of surprise.

    Tags; Misson, Brink, Saphira
    Words; 0380
    Music; Somebody that I used to Know :: Your Favourite Martian
    Notes; Starting the Weapon Delivery Mission! 1/4
    Credit; Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Last edited by Shikyo Kirishiki on 4/14/2014, 10:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 25
Age : 28
Village : Konohagakure
Job/hobbies : Baseball
Registration date : 2014-02-21

Ninja Profile
Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: N/A

Life's Trade [Mission] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life's Trade [Mission]   Life's Trade [Mission] Empty4/12/2014, 11:17 pm

THE knight awakens

Anthony would be looking through his wallet as he would sigh realizing that he was starting to get low on cash once again for the life of a genin was that that seemed never ending and was quite tiresome however, he would have to get used to this fact for later on it would become even more difficult and rather dangerous as well so he would love the simple life as long as it would last until he final reached that great day when he would become a chuunin and be able to further help his village and support their economy with his purchase of bandages, kunai, and other weaponry that he may later need but for now he wouldn’t use any of that but try and master his taijutsu to show the world you don’t need to have ninjutsu to be successful in this world though it made it rather easy he thought.

“I wonder who will be on this mission hope it isn’t anyone I don’t know otherwise might get awkward.”

He would put away his wallet in his pocket and let his hands slide in as well he would be wearing his usual attire which would most likely come off later because of the heat that was beating down today the silver haired male would have a nice beat in his step as he would think of the last mission he was on with what might be the only other silver haired person in the village or many the nations period. Though it would make him laugh as he would recall the events that transpired that evening and how they would click on almost every subject even though she wasn’t much of a talker what she did say had a purpose and nothing went without a meaning. He enjoyed her company and remembering she was a black smith he took this mission hoping she would be another genin that was tagging along for it was her job after all or at least her clans. For it would seem after doing a little research he would figure out the burns and scares she mentioned and realize that the village only had once place to get those types of wounds and it was the black smith clans family business so he would assume but could be wrong. Though that didn’t matter right now he would walk into the meeting place that was on the scroll and as he saw a beautiful silver haired female greeting him he would know it was the girl he wanted to do the mission with his luck would turn out in his favor and now he would have another easy, fun day or at least he thought.

“Hey Shikyo how have you been since the last time we meet.”

He would have a giant grin on his face as he would look at her and his hands once more in his pockets and his black and red attire on he would wait for her response not knowing there was another genin that was to come with them on their little delivery though he might enjoy the surprise that was to come…

    Tags: Mission: Shikyo
    music: N/A
    words: 527
    notes: The adventure is beginning
    credits: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Coming to Save the Day
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Gender : Female
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2014-03-28

Life's Trade [Mission] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life's Trade [Mission]   Life's Trade [Mission] Empty4/14/2014, 2:45 am

[OOC: Where are we. Did I like just miss the parts where the location was described?]

Enter Saphira

Another day another boring mission. Saphira was beginning to get sick of all these boring sit around do nothing missions. Ok that was unfair, she wasn't going to be sitting around like the last mission she was just going to be moving boxes. No big deal right. Saphira sighed, she wanted to do some missions that actually put her skills to use. She was dying to do some fighting. If she didn't get to blow of some energy her curse mark was going to start acting up on her, which would be unacceptable. Saphira supposed if she just quit complaining and do a whole bunch of missions to increase her rank so she didn't have to do these lame missions anymore.

Saphira approached the group which she assumed to be her partners. Why they needed three people for this mission Saphira would never know. Saphira was non to happy as she approached the group and she didn't care to hide it. She didn't believe in faking emotions. If she was feeling something she was going to show it. Which Saphira was always feeling something which made it easy for people to read her, she was criticized for that. "Ninja are suppose to be stealth, subtle, and deceptive." They would say. Well screw them Saphira didn't need deception to destroy her enemies, she had brute strength which was more than enough.

Saphira went right up to the group and asked "You two the other help and what is the mission?" Saphira didn't actually know what the mission was. If she had been told she forgot. Saphira then realized her entrance had been really rude. "Sorry that was rude. I haven't been having the greatest day. My names Saphira. Whats your names?"                                                

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Shikyo Kirishiki
Shikyo Kirishiki

Gender : Female
Number of posts : 35
Village : Konohagakure no Sato
Job/hobbies : Genin
Bloodline : Kirishiki
Registration date : 2014-03-29

Ninja Profile
Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: Fuuton

Life's Trade [Mission] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life's Trade [Mission]   Life's Trade [Mission] Empty4/14/2014, 11:44 am

So bury fear
For fate draws near

It seemed like her reasoning was right. Genins had come to this area to receive the boxes, and well, one of them was familiar. In fact, he was perhaps the person she had least expected. Although it was a pleasant surprise, as the girl's cool face didn't even show her surprise, but she nodded to the male. As he had come alone, she could expect that he hadn't had anyone with him when he came over, and well perhaps it would be just them two once more. The silver haired girl gave a soft sigh, as the thought was not unpleasant what so ever, but she still worried. Why would they send a singular genin? Then again, there couldn't be that many genin without a team, now could there?

The door rang, as another figure entered, as the girl bowed. Of course, the other female commented right away, and the silver haired woman did not answer, as the girl corrected herself. ''I see. Well this is a mission that didn't require many genins, but as this is my family's shop, and that I crafted these weapons myself, I would like to accompany you on your mission, in order to successfully made sure that the kunai are good quality.'' she said, simply explaining how it would work in a way. After all, the girl did work with her family to give herself a home, and from there did missions as a genin to accomplish her goals. It was valuable information was it not?

''My name is Kirishiki Shikyo. I offer my crafts and myself to your proper care.'' she said, bowing once more respectfully to the genin that would be accompanying her. She could easily push one trolley, and the other would have to be taken by someone else. Leaving one genin to clear the way for the two of them. The girl had given both her last and first names, identifying her as the well known blacksmithing clan within Konoha. And of course, she held some pride in that name, despite.. the events that occurred to her. The girl just wanted to make sure that the two genins understood, as she took the heavier of the two trolleys, and began to push it out of the building.

The sun hit down on herself and the trolley, as she would let the two genins sort out who would push the thing and who would guide. She didn't think she had to say it, but she hadn't even responded to the male's question others then her nod. After all.. she was in business mode right now. She would probably apologize and then make it up to him later, possibly with some ramen or something. She felt like trying to comfort the girl as well, but she knew that by the time she thought of something, she would be far too late. She sometimes hated that part of her.. but it was what it was right. At least, she could do this mission flawlessly.

Or so she hoped.

    Tags; Misson, Brink, Saphira
    Words; 0507
    Music; Video Killed the Radio Star :: Star Académie
    Notes; Starting the Weapon Delivery Mission! 2/4
    Credit; Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
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Gender : Male
Number of posts : 25
Age : 28
Village : Konohagakure
Job/hobbies : Baseball
Registration date : 2014-02-21

Ninja Profile
Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: N/A

Life's Trade [Mission] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life's Trade [Mission]   Life's Trade [Mission] Empty4/14/2014, 6:22 pm

THE knight awakens

He would shake his head as he was ignored by his new friend and as this new crimson haired woman would walk into the shop he would turn to the sound of the bell to see who it was. He would have a slightly more straight face for she walked into the store not only being rude but showing now type of happy emotion and that was a person he would rather not have his day effected by so early on however, she would retract her first statement and would ask for the genins names and as shikyo replied to her questions he would sit back and wait for her to finish so he could share his name. After a few moments of hearing Shikyos soft voice it would soothe him down to a soft emotional level again.

“Well my name is Anthony and it is nice to meet you… I hope we can enjoy this wonderful day today.”

He would get behind the other trolley as shikyo would take the first one and he would follower her as they started the deliveries he would wonder what the two beautiful woman would be thinking as his head would find himself looking in the sky taking a small break to admire the world as the peaceful place that I was he was truly happy and didn’t really care what today intel as long as he would be able to enjoy the time while it would be sunny and warm for soon it would become extremely hot and would be more of a sweat training season than anything else though these things didn’t truly matter and he was just ideally talking to himself as they would make the rounds not knowing how far they had gone probably not long seeing as he was daydreaming for most of it so it just simply made time seem to go faster though in reality he would most likely be standing in place.

“So ladies how are you this wonderful day with the sun shining so bright?”

He would have noticed he was laughing slightly and would not be covering it up at all because he enjoyed being happy and would hope his cheerful nature would make everyone else feel better so that the genin could get off to a better start than the crimson haired woman coming in and demanding information. He would slightly lose half his smile and would simply look at the sky quietly again and stroll along with the people waiting for answers or for them to stop moving so he could do is job and get paid.

    Tags: Mission: Shikyo
    music: N/A
    words: 436
    notes: The adventure is beginning
    credits: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Coming to Save the Day
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Gender : Female
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2014-03-28

Life's Trade [Mission] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life's Trade [Mission]   Life's Trade [Mission] Empty4/17/2014, 2:16 am

[OOC: Sorry for the wait haven't had much motivation for this character. It'll come back though eventually. For now I'll just make a quick post so I'm not holding the topic up.]

The one called Kirishiki informed of Saphira of her mission. While Saphira had heard of the clan she thought nothing of it. It was of no interest to her. Saphira looks for what individuals have not what a clan as a whole have She and some boy apparently called Anthony took both the trollies which meant Saphira was stuck with making sure everyone stayed clear of their path, a job she wouldn't mind doing.

Saphira was asked by Anthony how she was enjoying her day. Saphira didn't respond. She wasn't enjoying it. She was just walking through the day like a zombie waiting for something to happen. As she waited she began thinking to herself. She needed to control this curse mark of hers. If it went out of control she would kill anyone near her with no consideration if they were a friend or not, but how would she learn to control it? If she could just practice using the curse seal maybe she might get use to it, but who was strong enough not to get hurt by her while she tried to get use to it?
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Shikyo Kirishiki
Shikyo Kirishiki

Gender : Female
Number of posts : 35
Village : Konohagakure no Sato
Job/hobbies : Genin
Bloodline : Kirishiki
Registration date : 2014-03-29

Ninja Profile
Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: Fuuton

Life's Trade [Mission] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life's Trade [Mission]   Life's Trade [Mission] Empty4/21/2014, 3:25 pm

So bury fear
For fate draws near

It didn't seem like the other girl seemed to very much care for either of them, and Shikyo could feel her teeth bite into her lower lip. She didn't like how this felt one bit, and well, she felt quite unsure about it, as her gaze slide to Anthony. He was right beside her, with the other trolley, like she had hoped. She could trust him to not screw up with the trolley, and thus she felt much, much safer with him at the helm of the thing. The other girl seemed unreliable, and even more so a bit difficult in her eyes. As a blacksmith, she could tell people's will by their reaction to her name. Famous blacksmith clan and probably major supplier of whatever weapons you're carrying, along with your enemy's weapons too?

Yeah that usually got some attention. But Shikyo felt perhaps disappointed that neither of them had truly reacted to her name. Maybe that's why part of her hoped she would be with Anthony more so then most of the other shinobi. She felt like he didn't look at her name.. but at herself. That made no sense in a way, but she didn't really mind that, it was illogical.. but it felt right. That's what was important right? That something felt right in the world, and didn't feel like it was off in a corner of injustice. The girl let out another breath, and let her eyes close for a moment. She steadied her breath and her mind, letting herself calm.

She had to be like water, absolutely still and peaceful. There was something about it all that Shikyo had to remain calm for. She was a proud blacksmith, and the very callous way that her family's art was treated.. well it had to be cooled. The girl just kept that emotion under wraps, as she looked at Anthony, her fingers still pushing the cart. She had to answer him from earlier, and when she spoke, it was in a relatively quiet tone. ''I.. I have been fine since we last met. The day.. is indeed shining very bright. It's.. enjoyable, as days like these are often.. the best to smith in..'' she answered, her voice very calm and very quiet.

She didn't really know how to answer, but this was the best that she could manage. She hoped that Anthony would take it.. despite the other girl not being very talkative at all. And that was worse then even Shikyo herself, who wasn't very wordy in nature.

    Tags; Misson, Brink, Saphira
    Words; 0424
    Music; Papercut :: Linkin Park
    Notes; Starting the Weapon Delivery Mission! 3/4
    Credit; Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
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