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 Scouting Around Part B

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@ @ Mugen Heikou

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 136
Village : Mack
Job/hobbies : Mack
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Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/2/2014, 7:12 pm

Mugen was in this area because he was on a mission to talk to the Hokage and it was the administrative district. So the Hokage of information regarding him had to most likely be in here. He didn’t sneak into the area and went into it taking his time. He continued to be adorned in his pallid light robes worn on his voyage that extended to his shins. His sandals gracefully hugging onto his feet. He was on a mission, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t complete many. He took had a nice large scroll wrapped around his back strapped to his shoulder. To the lower right was a chibi puppet. He wanted his chibi puppet by his side for easy access in case of emergency, but he was very skeptical that any of this would occur. His wrinkled skin continued to absorb the sunlight as his hands were by his side. The area was layered in the Hokage building which consisted of many sub-areas for other people and such. So Mugen continued to go around and see what he could figure out about where the Hokage was in this rather open indoor environment where nothing was in his way.
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The Queen
The Queen

Gender : Female
Number of posts : 570
Age : 124
Village : Konohagakure
Bloodline : Sharingan
Registration date : 2007-03-12

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Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: Fire, Water

Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/3/2014, 10:28 pm

The Hokage moved back to her lovely hive, she most likely warrented that attention to her village was required. She was planning on getting some paper work done, followed by a lovely afternoon tending her bee's and spend some time in the garden with the flowers, and cross breeding for better necture. She often wondered about the implications of her latest bee hives, and if there was any methods she could do to increase the productivity of her hive. Having a swarm of 300 bee's buzzing around her back was more than enough in any case.

Konohagakure was, for the most normal means, a peaceful and plentiful place, filled with good thoughts and positive energy, and the Queen made sure it stayed that way for as long as she was able. Maintaining peace through determination took courage and she wasn't about to let the elder council, who was afraid of some birds deter her. She also needed to ensure her villages safety, it was a fine line to walk, and a hard line to approach.

As she was in such a state of mind, she made her way through the outer buildings to the administrative building, seeing a rather strange looking fellow, obviously not from Konoha as his attire suggested otherwise. "Hello there, perhaps this little bee has wondered off?" She said, her voice like thick sticky honey, warm and inviting but also dangerously delicious.
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@ @ Mugen Heikou

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 136
Village : Mack
Job/hobbies : Mack
Bloodline : Mack
Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/4/2014, 7:49 pm

Through simple means it was easy for Mugen to understand something was off in this area. He constantly looked around and about because it was his secondary mission to do so in the area. As he continued to tilt his head and analyze the people in the area and the vendors and overall area he saw a female whom held attire of a very professional mannerism. Perhaps a woman who could help him on his alliance mission in the area by pointing him to the direction of the Hokage. Mugen never showed any ill intent because he was not in a malicious standing with the standing. In honesty, he liked Konohagakure due to the powerful shinobi he had met in the past. Of course, this was long ago and he doubted they had lived long enough to see Mugen's return. Mugen would yawn a hearty yawn with his olden self and peer at the female. A peer that could easily be seen too and with simple movements he'd motion to her with no ill meaning. Only coming close to ask a question.

"Hmmm, you seem important. Could you help me with a mission? I need to seek out the Hokage. I am a Shinobi from Sunagakure meaning to propose political ideas." He said hoarsely and quickly to waste no time in his endeavors.
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The Queen
The Queen

Gender : Female
Number of posts : 570
Age : 124
Village : Konohagakure
Bloodline : Sharingan
Registration date : 2007-03-12

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Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: Fire, Water

Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/4/2014, 9:32 pm

The young bumblebee was rather not a bee at all, but a hurried little ant, carrying about his business in the most effective way possible. The Queen respected the ants, they were so similar to her. Like ground bee's, they ruled by an iron fist Queen, they were both careful and protective of there mother. There numbers could rival any army, and they were at best at ferreting away food for winter. Yes ants were just like little ground bee's, her little ground bee's of Sunagakure.

"Purposing Political Idea's, I wasn't aware Sunagakure was sending worker bee's to meet with the Queen. Well, who am I to tell Sunagakure's Queen how to direct her ants. I'm the Queen of this lovely hive" She said, her voice smooth as milk, she held a kind face as she looked on the young ant. The Queen referred to Genin as Worker Bee's or Drones, depending on there skill. Chuunin and Jounin were Drones or Guards, and those above were Queens or Warriors, depending on there position.

She did wonder what kind of position this worker was in to offer her, perhaps he was just to relay a message, or perhaps he held a small amount of authority. But the Queen shall find out once such things become clear.
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@ @ Mugen Heikou

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 136
Village : Mack
Job/hobbies : Mack
Bloodline : Mack
Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/5/2014, 6:07 am

Out of all things that worried Mugen it was the metaphors. A lot of metaphors were being used and Mugen wasn't familiar with this form of speech. Of course he could infer what everything meant and what he and others were being compared to. Mugen had no choice other than to follow along with it and since she was the Hokage it only allowed for an easier ending to his mission. Mugen would take it upon himself to carefully bow before the Hokage and stand back up erect. Mugen would begin to speak shortly after the Hokage finished after he took his hasty bow. In a hoarse and at ease fashion he would confront the Hokage with the political ideas that he came to Konohagakure to establish. "My Kazekage wishes for me to establish alliances with other villages. We are willing to meet with multiple terms as long as we're allowed access to certain pieces of information. As the Hokage I assure that you'd be willing to join Sunagakure in a powerful primordial bond to ensure we remain powerful in the shinobi world. Are you willing to talk to me about such allegiance?" He would finish promptly.
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The Queen
The Queen

Gender : Female
Number of posts : 570
Age : 124
Village : Konohagakure
Bloodline : Sharingan
Registration date : 2007-03-12

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Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: Fire, Water

Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/9/2014, 12:50 am

The Queen was both amused, and rather impressed at the young ant's attitude. Both professional and didn't waste any time at all. She was interested in the idea of an alliance, however she did wonder just what kind of authority the genin could have. As long as they have access to certain pieces of information, that was also interesting. Well, there was nothing the Queen could do but listen to the young genin.

"Young Ant, you strike a interesting cord, I'd be delighted to share some tea and listen to these terms and conditions Sunagakure has laid out. Perhaps we can even come to reach a bond between our hives, something that I would relish to have. Come, let us meet in the office" She said, her voice smooth, taking up a kind motherly attitude, she directed the young ant towards the office, ready to discuss the possibility of an alliance.

Pouring some tea for them both, she sat down, and smiled, making it certain the young ant knew he could begin really at any time.
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@ @ Mugen Heikou

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 136
Village : Mack
Job/hobbies : Mack
Bloodline : Mack
Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/9/2014, 9:51 pm

Mugen would appropriately bow after her words. He had to remain respectful and courteous due to her very high positioning in the ninja world. So he bowed with ease and haste as he would follow her into her office. The two were just about ready to finish up the deals and give each other ideas of what their village wanted. Mugen would sit on a stable chair in front of the desk the Hokage was behind. His puppet and scrolls neatly dropped to the side of the chair for ease of use. Mugen didn't want to squabble over tea, but he didn't have a choice. He left the tea sitting there whilst he pulled out a small envelope and took out a slip of paper within it that contained prewritten statements for the Hokage to sign for the alliance. At the bottom was a blank space for the terms to be listed and under it Sunagakure requested access to Konohagakure's information library. Mugen would quickly slide the paper across the table towards the Hokage.

"These are our only requests. Feel free to add your own and I'm sure we can come to an agreement." He finished.
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The Queen
The Queen

Gender : Female
Number of posts : 570
Age : 124
Village : Konohagakure
Bloodline : Sharingan
Registration date : 2007-03-12

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Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: Fire, Water

Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/9/2014, 11:03 pm

There was little small talk between them, something the Queen was rather proud, and a little disheartened by. It seemed the young ant was most certainly a worker, rather than a drone. He slide the piece of paper towards her, she read it. Her eyes quickly scanning the paper without touching it. The Queen was not someone to be so quick to forge a alliance that could change foundations. She did have thoughts, rather some reservations for the vast information library that Konoha had. Taking a sip of her tea, she carefully pondered it, whist also thinking about the future of these two nations.

"While, I have my reservations, I believe it prudent to state our requests in this matter as well. I formally request a joint coalition squad, comprised of 2 Genin from Sunagakure, and 2 Genin from Konohagakure, to be trained under the tutelage of first Konohagakure, then Sunagakure. Said squad would be a mark of good faith, and be responsible in the future for handling breeches of the alliance as well as hunting down missing ninja from either of our villages after the respected training." She would pause and let the weight of her words sink in. She purposed the first and perhaps only task forced assigned with handling traitors to both villages, which would end up being more an hunting squad.

"Konohagakure also formally requests a pact of accord during times of war. Should Konohagakure go to war with any nation besides Sunagakure, Sunagakure is to only offer help to Konohagakure or remain completely neutral during said times. Should Sunagakure break this accord, the alliance is also broken" Another heavy sitting piece of information, the Queen basically assured that Konohagakure would be Sunagakure's primer ally, leaving any other alliances as secondary in lou to Konohagakure.

"Finally, should Sunagakure seek to sell or trade Konohagakure's information Library to any other nation, a tariff of 8,000,000 ryu will be placed on Sunagakure, and the alliance rendered null. " This was a pretty standard information exchange agreement. Nothing so sinister in how tariff's work.

The Queen continued to sip her tea and smile warmly, even though all the tough negotiations, she remained calm and peaceful.
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@ @ Mugen Heikou

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 136
Village : Mack
Job/hobbies : Mack
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Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/10/2014, 1:30 pm

Mugen would nod in agreement and approval. He'd wait for The Hokage to completely finish and ensure she was done before speaking. "Sunagakure will solemnly agree to your terms. I must ensure that you properly sign the document and the lower area with your forms of conditions so we can hastily agree to them and bring forth a new time of prosperity between our villages. It has been very pleasant to talk to you, Hokage." He'd say harshly and then yawn afterwards. He hadn't had a lot of sleep because he had to constantly travel between villages and that took days at best. He meant what he said and he wanted the Hokage to finish up signing everything because Sunagakure would agree to such a thing. In the mere seconds it took him to regain his posture he would continue. "I'm at least curious at to know what genin from sunagakure you want and what genin from here you are to choose. Can I find that out, Miss Hokage?" He pondered whilst scanning the area.
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The Queen
The Queen

Gender : Female
Number of posts : 570
Age : 124
Village : Konohagakure
Bloodline : Sharingan
Registration date : 2007-03-12

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Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: Fire, Water

Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/13/2014, 11:59 pm

To agree to such terms so quickly, The Queen wondered just what Sunagakure had in mind. In truth, The Queen had a small pool in which to pick ninja to agree to such a training. In the back of her mind, she had already formulated who was going to teach them. The Queen reached for her pen, and slowly signed the document, once again scanning it to make sure there were no little details. She sat back in her chair, and once again picked up the cup of tea.

"I'm sure Sunagakure and Konohagakure will make great allies. However, I have not yet fully visualized the formation yet. I have a general outline, and I'm sure your Kage would like to take some time to consider it. But let us sway from this topic. I'm sure you'd love a good meal and some rest before the harrowing journey back to Sunagakure." Her sugar coated words belied the real intent, which was to give herself time to figure out which of her young genin would make adequate for the squad she suggested. She finished her tea, and stood up, ready to take the young worker ant out for a quick bite to eat before allowing him to rest. She knew the perfect little shop that sold delicious confections, the young ant was sure to love a sugary treat.

"Come young ant, carry your documents with pride, for your task is complete, it is time to rest a little and eat before returning to the hive" She said, leading him out to her favorite shop.
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@ @ Mugen Heikou

Gender : Male
Number of posts : 136
Village : Mack
Job/hobbies : Mack
Bloodline : Mack
Registration date : 2010-06-05

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Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/17/2014, 3:39 am

(On absence with little computer access. Going to let you move on with your stuff.)

Mugen was pleased that everything was falling together. The Hokage had promptly signed everything necessary and they came to an agreement of terms between their villages. Mugen knew that this would be a nice stepping stone in Sunagakure's future as he used his right hand to grab a hold of the paper, fold it neatly, and place it within an envelope for the Kazekage's eyes. He would seal it and stick it in his robe next to the envelope containing the Mizukage's agreements. Despite how much it meant to Mugen that the Hokage would offer such a thing to him he had to go back to Sunagakure due to all the things he had accomplished and the want to meet with a deadline in his mind. Mugen would stand and bow to the Hokage. "I fear that I must decline as I need to meet my arrival deadline to Sunagakure. Next time I'm around we may share eat and share stories freely, but now is simply a bad time. He would announce and then wrap his scrolls and chibi puppet behind him and leave to get the next caravan to Suna because he didn't want to walk.

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The Queen
The Queen

Gender : Female
Number of posts : 570
Age : 124
Village : Konohagakure
Bloodline : Sharingan
Registration date : 2007-03-12

Ninja Profile
Alliegance: Konohagakure
Elemental Mastery: Fire, Water

Scouting Around Part B Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scouting Around Part B   Scouting Around Part B Empty3/18/2014, 11:20 pm

The Queen was both confused, and amused by the sudden leaving of the young ant. She look forward to meeting the young genin again. In fact, she began to ponder adding him to the squad she thought about forming. Of course, just a thought cross her mind casually, nothing that would really stick out in any sense. She nodded at his bow and departure, hoping and perhaps even wishing him a speedy and safe return to his hive. Which brought her attention to her hive, it appeared to be in more relaxed that it ought to be. Usually she was swamped with work.

The Queen was suddenly rocked by a very large earthquake, it caught her completely off guard. She stumbled to her desk, her bee's swarming out of the hive to catch and steady her. Everything seemed to be in motion for several minutes, it was like the very earth was liquid, and it rolled though her. She could hear the commotion going on the streets, and needed to react quickly, being the Hokage, and a woman, it seemed right up her alley to do so.

She gathered herself and set off, her bee's flying around behind her back, only 50 or so, a larva crawled up her shoulder, and awaited there just to check the situation for itself. Insects where such interesting creatures at times. But The Queen had other bee's to check, and her big hive to tend to, no time to stop and think.

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